With the Premiere Events fast approaching, we are more excited than ever to kick off our 2022 season! With that said, we are monitoring the current situation with COVID-19 and its effects on our area. While we are in a much different situation than we were in 2020, caution must still be taken. We ask that everyone continue to remain flexible and understanding as we work towards having a full and complete season for everyone!
After consideration, we will be making the following adjustments to our Premiere events for the upcoming season. These changes will only affect the Premiere events, and we will re-evaluate the situation in a few weeks. At that time, new guidance will be communicated out.
Policies in effect at Venues
Flexibility is crucial this season. Our events will operate and respect any policies or protocols in place at the school hosting the CWEA event. This information will be communicated out frequently, so it’s important that you keep a close eye on your inbox and read your email. Please understand that these circumstances are beyond CWEA’s control, and are due to the variation of mandates and policies by local health authorities, school boards and event hosts.
Masking Requirements
At this time, we are not mandating masks at CWEA events, unless otherwise explicitly stated or if required by the host. We are strongly encouraging everyone in attendance to wear a mask if they are unvaccinated. It is good practice to always keep a mask with you at circuit events should this change, or for a specific situation where you are required to wear a mask. The circuit will maintain a zero tolerance policy when it comes to following masking instructions. If you are in a situation where masks are required, you must wear the mask.
All CWEA Staff and Judges will be required to mask anytime social distancing is not possible, or if the mask conflicts with performing their duties (I.e. announcers while announcing the show, judges while recording commentary, etc.)
Awards Retreats
As you may have noticed, the North & West Premiere Events are going to be very long days, with the potential for very large audiences. In an effort to maximize the space available for spectators, as well as ensure frequent turnover of the audience, we will not be offering awards retreats at any of the four premiere events. Recaps will be released direct to the circuit website as they are finalized.
Groups Watching Performances in the Stands
While we don’t want to discourage groups from entering the stands to watch, we ask that you do so with other groups in mind. Please limit the time you are in the stands to 4-6 performances, then leave so that others who wish to watch may do so. Should the gym begin to become overloaded, we will ask that groups leave to provide additional space. Should capacity become a strong enough concern, we may elect to close the gym for performers and only allow spectators entry. The Contest Administrators have final authority in allowing groups to view performances or closing the stands. We thank you in advance for accommodating these changes as needed.
Director’s Hospitality
In order to avoid congregation in small spaces, there will not be a director’s hospitality available at any of the premiere events. Directors and staff members are encouraged to support the school’s concession stands and available options for food service.
Critique Sessions
At this time, we plan to move forward with offering critique, with the following restrictions:
As mentioned before, COVID protocols are a moving target. We will be posting additional information on the circuit website related to these protocols within the coming weeks. If you have questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us for assistance.
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